ID Cards - A Multi Purpose Tool


When I was a kid, everyone wanted a Swiss Army Knife - this little pocket knife could whittle the finest point on a stick, open a can, trim your nails and cut the wrapper off your favorite candy bar. Leatherman has made a more manly version now - complete with screwdriver, pliers and beer bottle opener - no guy can be without one.

Multi purpose tools are convenient, lets face it. If one thing can accomplish more than one task, it becomes worth not only the investment, but also the effort to carry it.

With the advancing technology in digital card printing, it is now possible to make what used to be a very simple item, the basic ID Card into a multi purpose tool.

Deciding whether your company needs an Identification system is the first step - and answering a few questions will help make this initial decision.

1. Do you have a need to monitor access to your building for safety or security reasons?
2. Do you have certain rooms or equipment that you would like to restrict access to?
3. Would your company benefit from some of the technology available with features available on a plastic ID card - barcodes, magnetic stripes, smart chips - enabling things such as attendance management, canteen management, computer and copy machine management, parking lot management?

Once you have decided to upgrade or institute an Access Control/Credential Management system, we can assist you in getting the right card for the job - one that will provide all the features your company requires. With our advanced print technology, we at Cards Plus are able to print onto standard issue Proximity cards without damaging or shortening the life of the card. In addition we have a convenient Card Bureau service which will enable you to have cards printed in a very short turnaround time - 5 days or less - and to continue ordering on a batch order system as needed throughout the year.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your company's needs, please call us at Cards Plus - 011 894 3914 (South Africa) or visit us at our website -


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CardsPlus is committed to providing consumers the necessary information to make an educated choice in the plastic card industry.

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Outside SA: +27 11 894 3914
Fax: 086 694 3614

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